Saturday, October 9, 2010

Such a Beautiful Day!

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the comments regarding yesterday's blog entry. I am touched and honoured by all of them.

Ohtawen, I don't know if I know any herringbone braid tips for you. Your beautiful hair is so long that I think my arms and fingers would be too tired to make a full, neat herringbone braid with it. I suppose the best advice I can give you is to just practice using strands of the very same size, and only make the braid as long as you are feeling comfortable doing it. The nice thing about herringbone braids is that they look nice even if they have a very long tail below the braid. I think that muscle memory plays a big part in making any braid as well. For hair as long as yours it also takes stamina.

It's just a lovely day here today. It was like the very nicest days of summer all day; the sun was shining, it was nice and warm, and the sky was blue and almost cloudless. There was just the lightest breeze and the day felt so peaceful. What could be more delightful than that in October? Now that it's dark, it's cooling down, just as it should. I notice that some of the leaves are just starting to turn. Soon there will be that beautiful colour explosion that those of us who experience such beautiful autumns look forward to.

To be honest, I haven't thought much about my hair today. It's still nice and clean from yesterday's wash and required nothing more than a light combing before I put it back up in a simple bun.

That's just another thing I love about long hair. It can go from fresh out of bed in the morning to very presentable with no trouble at all.

I'm still feeling really good about how my hair is actually looking long to me. It is such a strong reminder that my journey is well underway.

It's also exciting to think that by month's end, my hair might actually be just below my brastrap. That is such a huge milestone, after being at APL or shorter for so long, and I hope never to have hair any shorter than this again. I know I've said that before, but I can't help saying it again.

Soon, I can start thinking about my next big goal of waist length. And I must start working on losing a few pounds so that I can have a nice waist to go with my waist length hair.

Anyway, that's it for today. I'm just going to kick back, relax and enjoy this lovely Saturday night.

'Til tomorrow, my friends. Much love to all.


  1. Sounds like it was a perfect day to be just "Watching The Wheels go round and round". Congrats on your milestone!

  2. I'm glad that you're feeling better. It was a beautiful day here too.

  3. Thank you so much for your reply, Franny! Actually, your entry inspired me to do a herringbone braid today :) You are right, I need practice. The braid was... okay I guees, but I hope my braiding skills will improve in the future.

    Oh, it's truly exciting to think about the next goal! I'm feeling just like you right now. I wish you happy growing! You will be at waist in no time ;)

  4. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, FRANNY! It really has been such a beautiful long weekend, we are blessed!


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